For those who are believers in the Book As-Salāmu `Alaykum Brothers and Sisters,
National Fairness and Growth Campaign Steering Committee
- General Chairman Joesph Debro Co-Founder, National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC) and Board Member of Housing Assistance Council
- Co-Chairwoman Pandora Ramsay, Founding President , Ohio Fairness Campaign
- Co-Chairman Fredrick Hargrove, Sr. PE, MBA. former Chairman of Cincinnati Change
- Co-Chairman Irvin Henderson, former Chairman, National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and on the board of the CRA Fund and the National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Convener Dr. Robert Day PhD, President, Center for Urban & Rural Redevelopment
Steering Committee Advisor and Panel Moderator
Lawrence Auls, Chairman of MDi, Executive Director LISW, LTD
Symposium VII
July 31, 2009
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4850
Participant Access Code: 570587#
Opening by General Chairman
Recap of Symposia to date.
New Statistics
Status of Initiatives, Health, Broadband, and Energy
Half Hour Break
Status of the Campaign Fundraising mechanism
General topics from teleconference participants
Announcement of Launch of Fundraising Effort on 7 August 2009
Announcement of Next Meeting in August in Detroit
Next Steps including a presentation at 1PM by Organizing for America on the Presidents Health Care Plans
Close of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign at 2 P.M.
Open The Cincinnati Change Community Briefing 2 - 5 PM
Presentation at 2 P.M. by the city of Cincinnati on the first time in 60 years a new Cincinnati Comprehensive Plan that includes:
Health Care
Erasing the Digital Divide
Next Generation Workforce Employment
Urban Transportation Solutions
Green Energy Implementation
Comprehensive Housing Program for the City
Economic Development
based on the
Development in Cincinnati should be for the people in the city who are in the place they are in the city. This is not to say that we should not have new people come into the city, but...what about those in place. In these times lets make the change for those who live here NOW!!!
Cincinnati Change is committed to development in line with The United Nations Global Compact.
The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption
submitted by
Hershel Daniels, Junior
Chief of Staff to Fred Hargrove, Sr. and Cincinnati Change, Director
Lawrence Auls, Chairman of MDi, Executive Director LISW, LTD
Symposium VII
July 31, 2009
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4850
Participant Access Code: 570587#
Opening by General Chairman
Recap of Symposia to date.
New Statistics
Status of Initiatives, Health, Broadband, and Energy
Half Hour Break
Status of the Campaign Fundraising mechanism
General topics from teleconference participants
Announcement of Launch of Fundraising Effort on 7 August 2009
Announcement of Next Meeting in August in Detroit
Next Steps including a presentation at 1PM by Organizing for America on the Presidents Health Care Plans
Close of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign at 2 P.M.
Open The Cincinnati Change Community Briefing 2 - 5 PM
Presentation at 2 P.M. by the city of Cincinnati on the first time in 60 years a new Cincinnati Comprehensive Plan that includes:
Health Care
Erasing the Digital Divide
Next Generation Workforce Employment
Urban Transportation Solutions
Green Energy Implementation
Comprehensive Housing Program for the City
Economic Development
based on the
Cincinnati Change Development Statement

Cincinnati Change is committed to development in line with The United Nations Global Compact.
The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption
submitted by
Hershel Daniels, Junior
Chief of Staff to Fred Hargrove, Sr. and Cincinnati Change, Director