I am part of One Nation Working Together.
One Nation Working Together is a social movement of individuals and organizations committed to putting America back to work and pulling America back together. Coming from a diverse set of backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and orientations, we are determined to build a more united country with good jobs, equal justice, and quality public education for all.
I believe that one of the prime causes of crime is poverty and that we can change the conditions in which poverty exists.
As a lay speaker in the UMC I will on 10-10-10 take One Nation Working Together to Cincinnati as One City Working Together. It will be a facebook based digital based social movement of individuals, organizations and churches committed to putting Cincinnati back to work and pulling together African Americans from a diverse set of backgrounds, experiences, beliefs and incomes to erase poverty as I join others in rethinking church.
Join us in replanning the city at Cincinnati Changes facebook page.
Monday, October 4, 2010
One Nation Working Together Bus Trip
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The Third Frontier GREEN Environmental in Cincinnati Change
Join the call on Monday, April 26, at 5pm EDT, for a call with Senior Administration officials to discuss efforts to increase access to government contracting opportunities for small businesses.
Officials scheduled to participate include Dan Gordon, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy; Ana Ma, Chief of Staff, Small Business Administration; John Gingrich, Chief of Staff at Veterans Affairs; Rick Wade, Deputy Chief of Staff, Department of Commerce; and Ginger Lew, National Economic Council.
On Monday, President Obama will take steps to remove barriers to access and monitor goals for federal contracting with small businesses owned by women, minorities, veterans and those located in historically under-served communities.
WHAT: Conference call on government contracting opportunities and small businesses
Dan Gordon, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy
Ana Ma, Chief of Staff, Small Business Administration
John Gingrich, Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs
Rick Wade, Deputy Chief of Staff, Department of Commerce
Ginger Lew, National Economic Council
WHEN: Monday, April 26, 2010 – 5PM EDT
RSVP: To participate in this event please dial (800) 230-1093 and ask for the Small Business Conference call. No pass code is needed.
This call is for background only and not intended for press.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
100 Years of New Taxes

In support of health care in Ohio we will build from Cincinnati a Omnidirectional Health Interoperable Instrumentation Patent Pool. This patent pool would grant the state a license for 20 million accounts based on a Global Sudden Climate Change based cloud based health carre next generation informatics which through the patent pool be able to connect to all health care electronic instrumentation in Ohio through a HIPPA compliant public private partnership proposed by McGraw Daniels and implemented by Hargrove Engineering, LLC.
The first round will be tied to a home health care network, under current tax law, of 800,000 Ohio households. All from the 88 counties Change Alliances to provide Universal Health Care for all Ohioans in that county. One avenue is through a faith based partnership with the United Methodist Men of Keys of the Kingdom UMC and allied faith based organizations like Churches Can Change Cincinnati NOW and the 100 Male March.

Friday, March 19, 2010
OHIP 43 million dollar grant with shortlisted African American AEC/ICT Firm Hargrove Engineering

Governor Strickland Announces Ohio Health Information Partnership Wins $43 Million to Develop Health Information Exchange Ohio Receives Total of $72 Million in Recovery Act Grants for Health IT, Health Care Job Training
Columbus, Ohio – Ohio Governor Ted Strickland today announced that the Ohio Health Information Partnership, the non-profit entity he designated to lead the implementation of Ohio’s health information technology efforts, competed for and won $43 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the development and implementation of a health information exchange. To read the complete release from the Governor's Office, click HERE.
Fred, Hershel and Wanda [primary team leader + members] are members of the United Methodist Church who will bring them into a demonstration as far as Hamilton County is concerned to show the church what can be done in over 10% of our 35,000 churches in the United States and 4,000 in Africa that we would connect via the Internet of today and tomorrow through being the 24th user of the Patent in a new pool established with an unlimited licensee to OHIP for the 43 million dollar grant, through the Church.
We know that the nature of health care has changed substantially since biblical times, but the importance of health care has remained the same. Consistent with the Social Principles and Book of Resolutions, the General Board of Church and Society advocates for health care as a human right that must be made available to all.
From our [Hershel + Wanda are UMC certified lay speakers] earliest days United Methodists have believed that providing health care to others is an important duty of Christians and this is our ministry. John Wesley found ways to offer medical services at no cost to the poor in London. The first Methodist Social Creed (adopted in 1908) urged working conditions to safeguard the health of workers and community.
We started in January 2007 and look to create a 10 to 1 leverage with the investors, including the federal government, who would put up 400 million dollars to our grant amount of 40 million dollars. It will take 3 million dollars to raise the money with firms as diverse as CDW to CBTS.
Through Hargrove Engineering our team is short listed. The Team mentioned in the Hargrove Engineering + Team which would leverage in application the 4.7 billion dollars in grants [75%] and loans [25%] being given away by 29 March 2010 for Broadband by the federal government. It will take the resources outlined herein to apply for this money based on my response to The Ohio Health Information Partnership (OHIP) in which my partners will spend over 43 million dollars regarding the implementation of an interoperable health information exchange (HIE) framework for the State of Ohio that will serve as one of 25 such centers serving 200M Ohioans with a workforce sat its people of 1 M people drawing on the 250 billion dollars in ARRA funds the administration still holds before July 4th 2010.
Our updated Request for Information (RFI) will addresses OHIP’s mission to advance the adoption, implementation and meaningful use of health IT among health care providers by facilitating and developing a statewide HIE to improve the safety , quality, accessibility, availability and efficiency of health care for citizens of Ohio.
As the state-designated entity for Ohio’s statewide health information exchange, OHIP is seeking a full service HIE solution that best fits its goals, objectives, strategies and vision as supported by Ohio Health Care Coverage and Quality Council (OHCCQC) and outlined in the reference documents included in this request.
We will develop a Updated Response to this RFI by March 29th 2010 tha6t will be carefully reviewed and a more detailed Request for Proposal (RFP). We are looking for feedback that will be received and incorporated through partnerships with Hargrove + Team. OHIP will send the RFP to selected, qualified respondents. As a part of the qualifying process, respondents may be asked to provide a demonstration of their proposed solutions.
As per a conversation between Noble Maseru , Ph.D., MPH, Cincinnati Health Commissioner and Hershel Daniels the Hargrove Team will have a deliverable to the Cincinnati Dept. of Health on Monday March 22th 2010 at their offices on 3101 Burnet Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45229 on the next steps and you are invited to our Facebook Cincinnati Change site to explore planning with our community reinvestment process partner Cincinnati Change.
For this project I am -
hershel daniels, junior
business development director
hargrove engineering
From: hierfi@ohiponline.org
Subject: OHIP HIE RFI Response
To: hershel@hargroveengineering.com
Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2010, 9:57 AM
Thank you for your OHIP HIE RFI submission. Attached is a copy of the information you provided.
Please note we will notify your organization by April 2, 2010, if you have been selected to participate in a more detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) process. Should you have any questions in the interim, please email hierfi@ohiponline.org .
Thanks again,
From: Maseru, Noble
Subject: Letter of Support
To: Hershel@cincinnatichange.org
Cc: "Schlanz, Robert"
Date: Monday, March 1, 2010, 4:31 PM
March 1, 2010
Hershel Daniels, Business Development Director
Hargrove Engineering
Dear Mr. Daniels
The City of Cincinnati Health Department is supportive of your team’s proposal to go forward on the Request for Information (RFI) with the Ohio Health Information Partnership. The City of Cincinnati Health Department looks forward to your gaining approval to proceed through the Request for Proposal (RFP) process to formalize our relationship.
Noble Maseru , Ph.D., MPH
Health Commissioner
3101 Burnet Ave #109
Cincinnati , OH 45229
513-357-7280 - Phone
513-357-7498 - Fax
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Black History 2010

We will propose developing over the next
3 months a complete DRAFT by 1 June 2010 of the
Comprehensive Plan
The Community Reinvestment Act (or CRA, Pub.L. 95-128, title VIII, 91 Stat. 1147, 12 U.S.C. § 2901 et seq.) is a United States federal law designed to encourage commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. GE is now covered under this law and so are many other companies as the law has changed and non banks can own banks and be members of the Federal Reserve System. They can even lend money from their bank to their Health Care Company.
We have been planning black history based selling health care services and products in a means tested manner to an African American community with a trillion dollars circulating through it [ 900B in income 90 billion in business and 10 billion in non profit/religious activity]. .
The areas already agreed to by the city of
- Housing and Neighborhood Development
- Economic Development and Business Retention
- Transportation and Transit
- Health, Environment and Open Space
- Land Use
- Historic Preservation
- Urban Design
- Utilities and Infrastructure
- Institutions
- Intergovernmental Cooperation
- Fiscal
In addition we propose these Comprehensive Plan Additions:
Minority Business Issues
The Third Frontier + Educational Achievement in
Next Round Empowerment Zone Agreement
Community Reinvestment Agreement
Cincinnati 2010 Implementation
Since the late 1970’s, Cincinnati has depended on a network of 52 community councils and 34 business districts to oversee spending on neighborhood projects ranging from beautification to youth programs and zoning.
The groups have also served as neighborhoods’ voice to Cincinnati City Council and had input on a wide range of issues, some which may have otherwise fallen through the cracks.
In Cincinnati MDi will use a systems topology where public safety with these groups and in business districts that will be able to perform over-the-air updates to devices, allow for access to external and local databases and networks, have access to subscribers’ user status, and have the ability to create, modify, delete, and update user and group records, profiles and configurations. At the same time, it will have all of the advanced features of the MDi Integrated Secure Wireless Managed Services as supplied by carriers on a means tested basis. Cincinnati Change will be in charge of the deployment of the system and providing for the means testing with strategic enterprise public and private sector partners in Cincinnati with its own 11 Member Managing board of directors.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Statement on Bipartisan Blair House Meeting on Health Reform
We will approach Congress next week with a work on a pilot in the Fiscal Year 2011 + 2012 in 300 congressional districts for 600 billion dollars over the next fiscal cycle with a 2010 Ohio led Midwest demonstration in 30 Congressional Districts including the states of Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, West Virgina, Pennsylvania and the Federal District of Columbia for 17 Billion. Part of which we expect will come from applications fro grants and loans to the 12 Billion Dollar Fiscal Year 2010 Broadband initiative of the President as well as funds like the Ohio's Third Frontier Funding.
I do this as a Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church who also serves as President of the United Methodist Men of Keys of the Kingdom which has enabled a team of health professional allied with other brought to bear on the problem through my role as Chairman of MDi and as a Trustee of Cincinnati Change and the Webmaster and a Visionary for the National Fairness and Growth Campaign.
Chairman Rangel Statement on Bipartisan Blair House Meeting on Health Reform
February 25, 2010
By Matthew Beck (202) 225-8933
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel issued the following remarks on the bipartisan meeting on health reform convened by President Obama today:
“I had really hoped that this summit would push us over the top. We are so close to ensuring that every American has access to high-quality, affordable care that meets their needs. We are so close to ensuring that hardworking Americans won’t have to worry about losing their health insurance if they lose their job or start a new business.
“We are so very close, yet differences remain. To sit here today and listen to my colleagues from Kentucky and Wyoming, you would think the American people don’t want health reform. I want my fellow New Yorkers to know they are represented here and their vocal support for these critical reforms has been registered.
“We entered this room with the understanding that we agree on 70 percent of what is in the health reform bill. If that is the case, I simply cannot understand the repeated calls by my Republican colleagues to scrap the bill and start anew. That type of rhetoric means you’ve made up your mind that we’re not going to have a health reform bill. And I don’t think that’s consistent with what the American people sent us to Congress to do.
“We talk a lot about process in Congress, and at the end of the day, the American people don’t care about process nearly as much as we do. I have no clue how big the Social Security bill was, or the Medicare bill, and I can assure you that someone who is sick and needs care doesn’t care how long the bill is that helps them get the care they need at a price they can afford.
“Our reform bill would make health insurance more affordable, cover more than 95 percent of Americans and strengthen Medicare’s solvency by more than nine years. I know my Republican colleagues would agree that ensuring every American has access to reliable health benefits is critical to our nation’s health and competitiveness, so I would hope we can start focusing on the areas where we agree and move forward together. Sickness doesn’t discriminate by political party, we should stop this partisan bickering and confine our public arguments toward constructive discussion.”
Now we shape a bill that can garner a majority of Congress and be signed by the President.Wednesday, January 20, 2010
One Year Later

I agree that the disappointing election results in November 09 and January 10 show deep discontent with the pace and type of change that is going on. Main Street is hurting and those off Main Street are destitute; while wall street is at the feeding trough. I know that a majority of the African American community share's that frustration.
I am among those who believe any change worth making is hard and as Fredrick Douglas said power will fight you at every turn [or something like that]. The sting of this first year on the Road to Recovery has been with setbacks along the way.
Our country continues to face the same fundamental challenges it faced yesterday. Wall Street and its fellow travelers still needs to be held accountable; though not in the way that some expect. We still need to create good jobs and enlist, willingly or not, Wall Street in helping Main Street. And we still need to continue building a energy economy that is both clean and free of foreign entanglements in the Middle East.
We are not walking away from this President and we expect him not to walk away from the challenges listed below [not necessarily in the order listed].
1. Abortion
2. African Union
3. Afghanistan War + Peace
4. Affirmative Action
5. African Growth and Opportunity Act Partners such as Nigeria, South Africa, and Liberia
6. Bailouts
7. Banks
8. Black + Brown America
9. Budget, taxes, and monetary policy
10. Canada
11. China
12. Organization of American States Partners such as Columbia, Brazil or Haiti
13. Civil liberties
14. Crime
15. Contraception and Sexual Politics
16. Drugs
17. Educational Policy: A National Plan to be the best by 2020
18. Engineering
19. Environment and energy
20. Erasing the Digital Divide
21. European Union
22. Homeland Security
23. Health care
24. Global Climate Change
25. Immigration
26. Intelligence
27. The Middle East + Israel
28. Islamic Investment through Kuwait and ending the Gulf + Iraq Wars
29. Main Street: Support for the Road to Economic Recovery
30. Marriage and Family Support
31. Lobbyist guidelines and ethics issues
32. Marijuana legalization
33. Mexicans and Mexico
34. Military and Intelligance Issues including service member support,
35. Minimum wage
36. Public Information and Media
37. Public Schools
38. Rouge and Failed States such as Somilia, Sudan, Syria, Iran and North Korea
39. Rural America
40. Russia
41. Social Security
42. South America
43. Sustainable Development
44. The Stans and Central Asia
45. Transportation
46. Urban America
47. Wall Street: Reregulation and Taxiation for the Industry
48. WMD and Arms Control
49. Womens Issues
50. Welfare reform
In fact, we are counting on his determination and resolve to be only stronger for real change - even firing people who don't get. We have had and will match that commitment with our own.
hershel daniels, junior