Friday, March 8, 2013

A FAU $1.25 TRILLION DOLLAR PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT SOLUTION conference call on March 9 2013 at 6:00 PM EST at Dial-in Number: 213.493.0700 with Participant Access Code: 106132#.

FAU KWANZAA Call ON A $1.25 TRILLION DOLLAR PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT BASED SOLUTION DESIGNED FOR MAIN STREET - NOT WALL STREET conference call on March 9 2013 at 6:00 PM EST at Dial-in Number: 213.493.0700 with Participant Access Code: 106132#.



Agenda March 7th 2013
  1. Update Report details for POTUS on MLK 2013 Pledge based on his letter to FAU Chairman [Hershel Daniels, Junior].
  2. USG Request Modified with HIE and Insurance Plans based on a 15 state solution - [2.1] Ohio, [2.2] California, [2.3] Pennsylvania, [2.4] New Jersey, [2.5] New York, [2.6] Massachusetts, [2.7] Texas, [2.8] Louisiana, [2.9] Florida, [2.10] Missouri, [2.11] Illinois, [2.12] New Mexico, [2.13] North Carolina, [2.14] Maryland and [2.15] Nevada. 
  3. US EPA STEM proposal modified for the meeting with the AU by March 24tgh 2013.
  4. Define the framework OEPA Request to be the first of 15 states in the Alliance
  5. Change City Request and Hamilton County Request for study of a issuance of a fixed price proposal for the state
  6. City Education Plans for STEM+10
  7. Ohio STEM Center of Excellence in Sewers at Central State on the Banks
  8. ODOT P3
  9. MTA Plan Modification
  10. F AU STEM Plan
Furthermore, we promote the creation of a public private partnership as a special purpose enterprise for infrastructure like our sewers, water, & power lines that could have a $300B investment starting with Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, And Massachusetts including STEM9



 Friends of the African Union Cincinnati is first a economic and new media civil-society ruling body who is also a social, humanitarian, charitable, and educational founded in 2013 to be the service bureau to the African Union and its member people.  FAU Cincinnati will have a focus on the sixth region from a Cincinnati perspective based on the work done in its founders over 700 years history in community activism, Pan Africanism, civil rights action, economic rights actions and governmental service brought to bear with the February 10th proposal to the US EPA.
FAU History

December 2011 Co-Founders of Friends of the African Union attend meeting in Washington DC called by HE Ali and Dr Horne.Based on that we employed Kujichagulia in the creation of Friends of the African Union as the agent to address the needs to have all of the African Diaspora in America aware of the African Union and its quest to create a 1.4 billion person global market with at least 4 trillion dollars in annualized income.

We where represented by a Senegalese economist and his son.

January 2012 MLK Launch of Friends of African Union [FAU] and signature at the KWANZAA AFRICAN DIASPORA UNITY SUMMIT, JAN. 28, 2012, HOWARD UNIVERSITY where to attend and vote, all organizations had to be

(a) Committed to building the African Union and to contributing to the unification and development of Africa,

(b) Committed to assist and participate with the African Diaspora in joining the AU as voting members, and

(c) Committed to recognize Africa as their motherland and to use their networks to spread the word of the AU-Diaspora process and implementation.

February 2012 FAU Plan of Action Adopted

March 2012 FAU Global Solutions Formed

April 2012 National Community Reinvestment Coalition Attendance and Global Banking Talks

May 2012 African Union African Diaspora Conference held in South Africa

June 2012 Attended US State Dept. US African Business Conference by invitation of the US State Department.

July 2012 Orders issued by AU as to Diaspora Roadmap and change of FAU logo

August 2012 FAU STEM [Science Technology Engineering & Math] Formed and FAU 9 Principal Operations developed

September 2012
Power Plant powered by sewage water Presentation to the African Scientific Institute at a forum sponsored by the Constituency for Africa at Howard University during Congressional Black Caucus

October 2012 FAU Conference Call for the Big Black Call on October 16th 2012, added the 10th FAU Principal Operation and more global urban planning framework started

November 2012 FAU Business Plan Framework Agreed Upon and 10 Operational Principals Adopted

December 2012 FAU Anniversary Planning 2012 Sessions - One Trillion Dollar plus FAU SPV Framework with 1,000 Market Partner P3's including 7 million households.

January 2012 Pledged on MLK Day of service for a 1.25 Trillion Dollar program - $300B Sewers and 5GS Infrastructure, $700B for 7M Households to reduce sewer output while making home smarter through 7 year agreement through the FAU New Africanism Clicks n Bricks Program and a $250B public private partnership with a million businesses in it in 100 broad categories in alliance in 100 markets throughout the USA and 500 around the world from a HQ in Bermuda as 21st century business center.


BY: T.C. Adams DATE: February 19, 2013

In 1885, the European nations met at the Berlin Conference to organize themselves and agree on a plan for the forcible acquisition of land, resources and assets of the African continent. This modern colonization of Africa was resisted from the start.

In 1957, Ghana gained its independence from British rule and became the first sovereign African state under modern (post WWII) international law.

On May 25, 1963, thirty-two independent nations joined together to form the Organization of African Unity in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Its goals were to promote the unity and solidarity of African states, co-ordinate and intensify the cooperation of African states, defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence of African states, and promote the eradication of colonialism in all forms.

On July 9, 2002, President Thebo Mbeki of South Africa presided over the disbanding of the Organization of African Unity, and the inauguration of the newly formed African Union, its successor.  In 2003, the African Union (AU) amended its constitution (called the AU Constitutive Act) to formally include persons of African descent, not residing within the continent, as part of the African Union. In Article 3(q) of the AU’s amended Constitution, the AU hereby “…invite(s) and encourage(s) the full participation of the African Diaspora as an important part of our continent, in the building of the African Union.”

On April 11-12, 2005, the Meeting of Experts on the Definition of the African Diaspora was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting ended with the following definition agreed to by assembly consensus:  “The African Diaspora consists of peoples of African origin living outside the continent, irrespective of their citizenship or nationality and who are willing to contribute to the development of the continent and the building of the African Union.”

The African Union defines the African continent as being divided into 6 geographical regions—North Africa, South Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, and the Diaspora (Global). The division of the Diaspora into sub-regions is still a work in progress, but at present consists of Canada, United States, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, and Asia-Oceania-Asia-Pacific Islands. 

The Diaspora is to be initially included as voting members of the Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) which is one of the 11 permanent commissions of the AU. The Diaspora has been granted 20 seats of a total 150 seats at present. The ECOSOCC was founded as a grouping of 150 community-based organizations or their representatives. Such organizations are referred to as NGOs (Non-governmental Organizations) and civil society organizations in international discourse.  Over time, we believe that the Diaspora can be incorporated into the other functions and institutions of the AU, including the Pan-African Parliament. 

As a result of the broader definition of inclusion by the AU, the African Diaspora within the United States is larger in population size than the racial and ethnic definitions used by the U.S. Census Bureau. For example, Spanish language speakers are separated by category from blacks or African Americans in the US Census. However, many Latinos consider themselves black, or Afro-Latino.  Additionally, the US Census designates many Arabs-Muslims as white, indigenous peoples of North Africa. Based on the broader definition of the AU, the estimated African Diaspora population residing within the United States exceeds 60 million people.  

The Friends of the African Union recognizes that there have been three historical mass migrations of African descended peoples to the U.S.  First, there was the Tans-Atlantic Slave Trade referred to as the African Holocaust. From 1619 to 1808 more than 700,000 Africans were forcibly relocated to the U.S.  Second, after the Spanish-American War (1897-1898), the U.S. gained dominance of the Caribbean and much of the South Pacific which ushered in a second wave of immigration from Latin America countries. From the 1880s until 1950s more than 1 million Africans immigrated to the US, mostly from the Caribbean.  Lastly, as a result of the Civil Rights movement and the Vietnam War in Asia, Congress revised America’s immigration policy in 1965 to allow more immigration from the independent states of the continent. The final wave of immigration is continuing and exceeds 1.3 million.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

FAU Chairmans Agenda 7 March 2013

Agenda March 7th 2013

  1. Update Report to POTUS on MLK 2013 Pledge based on his letter to Me.
  2. USG Request Modified
  4. OEPA Request
  5. County Request
  6. City Request
  7. City Education
  8. Ohio STEM Center of Excellence in Sewers at Central State on the Banks
  9. ODOT P3
  10. MTA Plan Modification