She also founder of the Cincinnati Hamilton County Black Republican Forum and Lay Leader of Keys of the Kingdom UMC. Now I am working with her because the President, another Methodist, just got administrative control of, not only, over 5 trillion dollars in Fannie and Freddie assets but the whole mortgage industry with AIG.
I have not nor does it look like I will met him as President and do not currently support John McCain.
I am preparing Cincinnati Change for not only a statewide policy statement on troubled loans but a implementation order based on Presidential Directives that support loans that last to 2050 to be made over the next two years to 200,000 Ohio households; starting with Cincinnati, Ohio.
If you want informaion on Me goto my Linked in profile.
Welcome to the afrosphere my brother...
peace, Villager
(aka Wayne Hicks)
Well after 2 more heart attacks I am back.
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