Continuing on the Road to Economic Recovery with Action on Media
Cincinnati, OH
September 11, 2009 12:00PM to 03:00PM
Hosted by Hershel Daniels
To: The Citizens of the United States
From: Fred Hargrove, Sr PE MBA of the National Fairness and Growth Symposiums and a Co-Chairman of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign Committee
50 years or is it 400 Years = less than 1% (ie .99%) nationally according to the US Census Bureau or less than a half of one percent (ie .4955%) in Ohio of all business revenue earned by African Americans. What has been the ramifications and implications of these shameful, tragic figures on the economic health of black communities and the country as a whole?
Now is the time for a change.
Development in Cincinnati should be for the people in the city who are in the place they are in the city. This is not to say that we should not have new people come into the city, but...what about those in place. In these times lets make the change for those who live here NOW!!!
Cincinnati Change is committed to development in line with The United Nations Global Compact and a superset of green regulations put forth by a committee enpanneled to the Congressional Black Caucus 25 September in Washington DC.
The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption
In this program we shall address the ramifications and the implications of the aforementioned shameful, tragic figures on the economic health of our black community.
We believe that this lack of economic parity has led to higher crime rates, higher rates of imprisonment, higher rates of unemployment and lower educational achievement. This downward spiral in the Black community effects the whole country.
This meeting was to inform regional and teleconference particpants leaders of the steps that our virtual organization has taken and our plans for the future. We think that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and its counterpart, other recovery initiatives, the general budget provides an opportunity to redress some of the systemic and personal economic equalities.
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign has created a grassroots campaign of practitioners who have a long term operational knowledge of past practices . These business people are very familiar with the philosophies, strategies, approaches, programs and projects ostensibly designed to address the history and practices of discrimination towards African Americans that levels the playing field. By extension we also address discriminatory practices towards other groups
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign will be a significant advocate for the "greening" of America especially in its vulnerable communities. The Campaign does not have negative presumptions regarding current planning or execution of the Congress or President Obama’s administration budget or initiatives.
We seek to provide solutions gained from the hard earned insight into potential enforcement of existing public laws, regulations, new initiatives and programs through the use of “Best Practices” that level the playing field(s).
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