Friday, December 11, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
FY 2010 has Started and so have we!!!

- GDP $14.441 trillion ie The US Economy
- 40.7 million[African American Citizens of the United States [[1]13.5% of the total U.S. population]
- African American Business Receipts with a combined buying power of over $892 billion currently and likely over $1.1 trillion by 2012.[
- In 2002 African-American owned businesses accounted for 1.2 million of the US's 23 million businesses.
- The 1.2 million black-owned businesses in the United States employe more than 756,000 people and generate nearly $89 billion in business revenues.
- Almost 4 in 10 black-owned businesses (38 percent) were owned by women.
- New York had the most black owned firms, followed by California, Florida, Georgia, and Texas
From: Dr. Robert Day, Convener, National Fairness and Growth Symposiums and Joseph Debro, General Chairman, National Fairness and Growth Campaign Committee
Now is the time for a change.
The ramifications and the implications of these shameful, tragic figures on the economic health of Black communities are staggering. This lack of economic parity has led to higher crime rates, higher rates of imprisonment, higher rates of unemployment and lower educational achievement. This downward spiral in the Black community effects the whole country.
This letter is written to inform the country of the steps that our virtual organization has taken and our plans for the future. We think that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and its counterpart, other recovery initiatives, the general budget provides an opportunity to redress some of the systemic and personal economic equalities.
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign has created a grassroots campaign of practitioners who have a long term operational knowledge of past practices . These business people are very familiar with the philosophies, strategies, approaches, programs and projects ostensibly designed to address the history and practices of discrimination towards African Americans that levels the playing field. By extension we also address discriminatory practices towards other groups
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign will be a significant advocate for the "greening" of America especially in its vulnerable communities. The Campaign does not have negative presumptions regarding current planning or execution of the Congress or President Obama’s administration budget or initiatives. We seek to provide solutions gained from the hard earned insight into potential enforcement of existing public laws, regulations, new initiatives and programs through the use of “Best Practices” that level the playing field(s).
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign seeks not to have negative presumptions regarding the current planning or execution of the ARRA and TARP or the FY 2010 general budget. We seek to provide solutions gained from the hard earned insight into potential enforcement of existing public laws, regulations and new initiatives and programsthrough the use of “Best Practices” to Erase the Digital Divide.
In erasing the Digital divide we reject the notion that there is not available a shovel ready American next generation workforce ready to be trained. We are calling on creating a public private partnership that would oversee a possible investment of over $260,000,000,000 in a million American youth over a ten year period starting no later than December 31, 2010 is made to create a next generation workforce in 25 Urban Areas, 25 Statewide Rural Regions and 10 Native American Tribal lands.
This is a follow up to our previous symposium regarding our concerns and hopes relative to the very fast moving American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan (ARRP), now public law as of February 17th, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and its counterpart the TARP initiatives and implementation of the FY2010 Budget.
It is our plan to develop aoer the next two weeks a development strategy that will support over a million students on connected campus around the nation. It would also connect a total of 500 million people via our global public private sector distance learning infrastructure that will Erase the Digital Divide. This includes 200 million people living in the United States and 300 million people in other countries. It is to be built a multinational shovel ready patent protected next generation third frontier digital infrastructure that supports a logistics infrastructure built around the United States Postal Service.
It will be financed in it's prototype state by a 200 million dollar underwriting according to the Principles and Findings of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign and all current federal state and local laws, including Presidential order in force as approved by the US Attorney General.
All this will be financed as a private public partnership under current federal law, agency and department funding and Presidential Orders. It will employ over 60,000 people by September 2010. It is our goal starting with Cincinnati to enroll a million people in schools and colleges by December 2010 to become part of the Change in Americas workforce.
Friday, September 11, 2009
My Day of Service was on the Road to Economic recovery

Continuing on the Road to Economic Recovery with Action on Media
Cincinnati, OH
September 11, 2009 12:00PM to 03:00PM
Hosted by Hershel Daniels
To: The Citizens of the United States
From: Fred Hargrove, Sr PE MBA of the National Fairness and Growth Symposiums and a Co-Chairman of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign Committee
50 years or is it 400 Years = less than 1% (ie .99%) nationally according to the US Census Bureau or less than a half of one percent (ie .4955%) in Ohio of all business revenue earned by African Americans. What has been the ramifications and implications of these shameful, tragic figures on the economic health of black communities and the country as a whole?
Now is the time for a change.
Development in Cincinnati should be for the people in the city who are in the place they are in the city. This is not to say that we should not have new people come into the city, but...what about those in place. In these times lets make the change for those who live here NOW!!!
Cincinnati Change is committed to development in line with The United Nations Global Compact and a superset of green regulations put forth by a committee enpanneled to the Congressional Black Caucus 25 September in Washington DC.
The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption
In this program we shall address the ramifications and the implications of the aforementioned shameful, tragic figures on the economic health of our black community.
We believe that this lack of economic parity has led to higher crime rates, higher rates of imprisonment, higher rates of unemployment and lower educational achievement. This downward spiral in the Black community effects the whole country.
This meeting was to inform regional and teleconference particpants leaders of the steps that our virtual organization has taken and our plans for the future. We think that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and its counterpart, other recovery initiatives, the general budget provides an opportunity to redress some of the systemic and personal economic equalities.
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign has created a grassroots campaign of practitioners who have a long term operational knowledge of past practices . These business people are very familiar with the philosophies, strategies, approaches, programs and projects ostensibly designed to address the history and practices of discrimination towards African Americans that levels the playing field. By extension we also address discriminatory practices towards other groups
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign will be a significant advocate for the "greening" of America especially in its vulnerable communities. The Campaign does not have negative presumptions regarding current planning or execution of the Congress or President Obama’s administration budget or initiatives.
We seek to provide solutions gained from the hard earned insight into potential enforcement of existing public laws, regulations, new initiatives and programs through the use of “Best Practices” that level the playing field(s).
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
WCPO-TV News Anchor Clyde Gray will moderate the program. The ninety minute program -- which will also be streamed live on CETConnect -- will take place from 8:00-9:30 p.m. The program will include a panel of local respondents, including Father Michael Graham, President of Xavier University; Judge Nathaniel Jones, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit; Jan Michele Lemon-Kearney, Publisher of the Cincinnati Herald, and Maria G. Molina, Procter & Gamble's Latin American Development Director and Americas Consumer Relations Manager. Program participants also include John Pepper, community leader, historian, and former chairman and CEO of Procter & Gamble, a diverse group of area citizens and a live studio audience discussing the climate of race and politics in Cincinnati in 2009. Viewers will also have opportunities to participate during the broadcast and subsequent program stream through real time polling and social media, including Twitter (lincoln200yrs) and the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission on Facebook.
This event is presented by Lincoln Legacy: A Cincinnati Celebration of Freedom and The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission in Washington, D.C. to provide opportunities for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the high ideals of freedom, justice and morality modeled by Abraham Lincoln throughout his life and career.
The Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan provided a major grant to the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission Foundation to produce the Lincoln town hall meetings. Additional funding provided by Prudential Financial Inc., The Marjorie Kovler Fund, McCormick Foundation, Motorola Foundation, and Canadian National.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Father of Labor Day in Ohio
The Cleveland Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists which consists of members from seventy-seven international and national unions recognizes John Patterson Green’s legislative sponsorship of Labor Day in Ohio. House Bill 500 was passed on April 28, 1890 and consisted of one sentence:
In 1894, the U.S. Congress passed a bill making Labor Day a national holiday.
Patterson Green’s efforts preceded the accomplishments of organized labor leaders such as A. Philip Randolph, Sleeping Car Porters; John L. Lewis, United Mine Workers; Philip Murray, United Steel Workers; Jimmy Hoffa,Teamsters; Walter Reuther, United Auto Workers; and Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers.
Born in New Bern, North Carolina, John Patterson Green became Cleveland’s first black lawyer and first black elected official (Justice of the Peace) and was also the second African-American elected to serve in the Ohio House of Representatives in 1882.
John P. Green's parents were African-Americans, but free. Too poor to attend school, he worked as a harness maker, a tailor, and a waiter before writing and self-publishing Miscellaneous Subjects by a Self-Educated Colored Youth when he was 21. After the book's success, he attended high school and law school, and became one of the first black elected officials north of the Mason-Dixon line when he was elected Justice of the Peace in Cleveland, in 1873. In 1881 he was elected to the Ohio House, and in 1891 he was elected to the Ohio Senate.
In addition to Miscellaneous Subjects by a Self-Educated Colored Youth (1866) he wrote Recollections of the Inhabitants, Localities, Superstitions and KuKlux Outrages of the Carolinas (1880) and Fact Stranger than Fiction (1920, autobiography)
As a legislator, he sponsored 21 bills favorable to labor issues, including House Bill 500 in 1890, which established a state holiday honoring working men and women. Labor unions had staged annual parades and picnics since 1882, but Green's bill made Labor Day an official holiday in Ohio, to be celebrated on the first Monday of September, effective in 1891. Three years later the US Congress followed suit, making Labor Day a national holiday. After leaving the State Assembly, Green worked for many years as a lawyer and postal official, and at the time of his death -- struck by a streetcar at the age of 95 -- he was the oldest attorney practicing in Ohio.
The Honorable John Patterson Green served three successive terms in the Ohio General Assembly, including two terms in the House of Representatives (1882-1883 and 1890-1891). In 1892, he was elected to the Ohio Senate, making him the first African-American elected to a state senate north of the Mason-Dixon Line in the United States. While serving as an Ohio state legislator, John Patterson Green sponsored and supported 21 major bills on behalf of labor.
During his professional and legislative career, he counted among his closest friends Mr. & Mrs. John D. (Ms. Lara C. Spellman) Rockefeller, Marcus A. Hanna and George A. Myers—all captains of industry. He also was a friend of and assisted Civil Rights leaders, such as Harry Smith, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglas, Charles Chestnut, and other black leaders of his day.
Mr. Green was also befriended by and received appointments to federal positions by Presidents James A. Garfield and William McKinley. Of all his associations and accomplishments, however, the Honorable John Patterson Green was most proud of his work to honor all working men and women of this nation by initiating Labor Day.
Robert E. Saffold is a former member of Laborers Local 935 in Warren and was elected union department chairman of Local 1375 United Steelworkers of America (Republic Steel) in Warren. He is a registered lobbyist for the Ohio Minority Contractors Association and current chairman and CEO of the African-American Business and Contractors Association Inc. This material on John Patterson Green was researched at the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio by Minister Robert E. Saffold. He was project coordinator for the research and publication of this piece for the Cleveland chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.
Since its founding conference in 1972, The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU) stature among African American workers has grown. Currently, more than 77 different international and national unions are represented in CBTU. With 50 chapters nationwide and one in Ontario, Canada, CBTU is maximizing the strength and influence of black workers in unions and empowering their communities.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
DHS: Secretary Napolitano Announces the Appointment of Richard Spires as DHS Chief Information Officer
Release Date: July 28, 2009
For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary Contact: 202-282-8010
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano announced today the appointment of Richard Spireswho brings decades of experience managing complex information technology systemsas Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Department of Homeland Security.
In todays digital age, the role of information technology at DHS has never been more critical, said Secretary Napolitano. Richard has an impressive record of managing large-scale IT programs and I look forward to working with him to find more efficient and innovative ways to help the Department meet its strategic and information resource management goals.
As Chief Information Officer, Spires will be responsible for managing and directing information management support processescombining the functions of information technology and telecommunications to provide coordinated support strategies for meeting DHS-mission related information needs.
Richard Spires
Richard Spires has extensive experience in senior-level operations and information technology issues, working in both the private and public sectors. He oversaw IT responsibilities for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as Deputy Commissioner for Operations Support, Chief Information Officer and Associate Chief Information Officer for Business Systems Modernization, respectively.
Before joining the IRS, Spires served as the President, Chief Operating Officer, and a Director of Mantas, Inc., a software product vendor. He also spent more than 16 years at SRA Internationala system integration company specializing in distributed information systemsworking his way up from systems and software engineer to Senior Vice President of SRAs commercial sector.
Spires holds an M.S. in electrical engineering from The George Washington University, a B.S. in electrical engineering and a B.A. in mathematical sciences from the University of Cincinnati.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Don't forget Hurricane Katrina

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Another time for collective action!!

For more info goto the website in development at
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My life is changing today.
Friday, July 31, 2009
My two heart attacks and I'm still working
National Fairness and Growth Campaign Steering Committee
- General Chairman Joesph Debro Co-Founder, National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC) and Board Member of Housing Assistance Council
- Co-Chairwoman Pandora Ramsay, Founding President , Ohio Fairness Campaign
- Co-Chairman Fredrick Hargrove, Sr. PE, MBA. former Chairman of Cincinnati Change
- Co-Chairman Irvin Henderson, former Chairman, National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and on the board of the CRA Fund and the National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Convener Dr. Robert Day PhD, President, Center for Urban & Rural Redevelopment
Lawrence Auls, Chairman of MDi, Executive Director LISW, LTD
Symposium VII
July 31, 2009
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4850
Participant Access Code: 570587#
Opening by General Chairman
Recap of Symposia to date.
New Statistics
Status of Initiatives, Health, Broadband, and Energy
Half Hour Break
Status of the Campaign Fundraising mechanism
General topics from teleconference participants
Announcement of Launch of Fundraising Effort on 7 August 2009
Announcement of Next Meeting in August in Detroit
Next Steps including a presentation at 1PM by Organizing for America on the Presidents Health Care Plans
Close of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign at 2 P.M.
Open The Cincinnati Change Community Briefing 2 - 5 PM
Presentation at 2 P.M. by the city of Cincinnati on the first time in 60 years a new Cincinnati Comprehensive Plan that includes:
Health Care
Erasing the Digital Divide
Next Generation Workforce Employment
Urban Transportation Solutions
Green Energy Implementation
Comprehensive Housing Program for the City
Economic Development
based on the
Cincinnati Change Development Statement

Cincinnati Change is committed to development in line with The United Nations Global Compact.
The United Nations Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption
submitted by
Hershel Daniels, Junior
Chief of Staff to Fred Hargrove, Sr. and Cincinnati Change, Director
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I'm Back
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Today is the National Fairness and Growth Campaign Symposium VI
Symposium VI
10:30 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4850
Participant Access Code: 570587#
Opening by General Chairman
New Statistics
Past Recommendations Revisited
Proposed Initiatives to be launched during this symposium -
- Faith Based
- Workforce
- Health
Curtis Maples volunteer Adviser and Student in Electrical Engineering
Danny Owen, Veteran and Pioneer in the fossil Fuel and Alternative Fuels industry
Announcement of Next Meeting last Friday of July [31] Philadelphia
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009

On this day in 1865, more than two years after President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, those who found themselves still enslaved in Galveston, Texas had their hopes realized and their prayers answered. Contrary to what others had told them, the rumors they had heard were indeed true. The Civil War had ended, and they were now free.
General Gordon Granger issued the call with "General Order No. 3" saying "The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. " June 19, or Juneteenth, is now observed in 31 states. Nearly a century and a half later, the descendants of slaves and slave owners can commemorate the day together and celebrate the rights and freedoms we all share in this great nation that we all love.
This moment also serves as a time for reflection and appreciation, and an opportunity for many people to trace their family’s lineage. African Americans helped to build our nation brick by brick and have contributed to her growth in every way, even when rights and liberties were denied to them. In light of the historic unanimous vote in the United States Senate this week supporting the call for an apology for slavery and segregation, the occasion carries even more significance.
Office of the Press Secretary
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Proposed National Fairness and Growth Campaign Global Change Health Collaborative

The National Fairness and Growth Campaign knows that in most ways, the United States is the global leader in health care spending over 2 trillion dollars a year. From the best-trained doctors to the most state-of-the art medical equipment to breakthrough treatments for deadly diseases, Americans expect and often receive the best care anywhere – if they can pay. There are over 50 million people in the country without access to this system and we plan to create a system that meets their home health care needs.
Yet despite our many assets and strengths, there is significant room for improvement. Our two trillion dollar medical system depends far too much on antiquated paper files and out-of-date customs to make it work. The digital tools that have radically improved productivity and quality across our economy have barely touched health care, and it shows. In America we spend over a 100 billion a year on health care technology. Yet, we believe, in general, that health care is all too often inconvenient for patients.
While almost every sector of our economy is transforming itself through new world class computerized processes our health care sector remains characterized by islands of advanced technologies in a sea of paper. Americans spend significantly more per capita on health care than the citizens of any other country, yet we do not receive commensurately greater quality of care across the board. We know that paper-based systems contribute to medical errors that drive up costs and harm patient safety.
We’re letting down our doctors too. By keeping vital patient information out of their hands, we limit their ability to make the best medical decisions. By failing to automate prescribing and delivery systems, we subvert their intentions and confuse their instructions. By failing to collect information on quality and outcomes, we decline to provide them with the best data they could have about the results of medications and treatments, information that would help them save lives.
We plan to change that and add technologies such as direct-to-consumer connectivity, secure real-time online access to critical information and aggregation and analysis of detailed data from experts from around the world through unified communications [UC] with patented technology that does just that. Our UC cloud will pass 500 million people by 2020.
We will change, with potential partners such as The Christ Hospital and Accenture, a statewide public health information management system that too often fails our patients into one that erases the eHealth divide, first in Cincinnati from a headquarters in the Empowerment Zone, then in allied regions in southern Ohio. This will happen through what we call our Universal Health Information Network Operations Center Plan of Action.
These Universal Health Information Network Operations Plan of Action create home health care centers for 20,000 households that will use patented technology which let all electronic signals be reconciled with other electronic signals and be processed so as to deliver to the end user the eHealth care information where they need it, when they need it and on whatever electronic device they have that can use it.It will be demonstrated in Ohio that we can change the “siloed” health care information system and bring solutions within reach of those who need it. As part of that mission of the Collaborative demonstration of the Cincinnati Change Health Collaborative will advance the availability of world class quality health services for all, including low-income, racial/ethnic minority populations and other underserved populations, in a secure, timely, efficient, responsive and coordinated system of care.
We will offer services to Tristate employers from the Cincinnati Empowerment Zone starting with Mount Auburn’s 5,619 residents and their allied families and friends in our Ohio demonstration service area.
The National Fairness and Growth Campaign Global Change Health Collaborative will work to ensure that Federal, state, local and private efforts to develop and coordinate advances in technology in the health arena include funding, programs and initiatives for underserved communities in southern Ohio.
Cincinnati Change as a member of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign believes that the people of Cincinnati along with the residents of southern Ohio along with policy makers and employers have the opportunity and obligation to address the issue head-on of the health care gap in these historic times. It is the time for bold action in a Cincinnati Change mission to erase the eHealth divide in southern Ohio. Thereby Cincinnati Change is, today July 11th 2009, announcing the formation of The Cincinnati Change Health Collaborative demonstration.
We will contribute information technologies in support of coordinated preventive and primary care in both public and private sectors that will enhance the lives of all people in southern Ohio with a 2009 targeted service area that consists of the Cincinnati Empowerment Zone. Since 2002 the Organizers of Cincinnati Change have targeted the Cincinnati Empowerment Zone which is a region that has over 50,000 residents, 3,000 employers and 68,000 employees along with their families.
These health professionals will serve both domestically, starting in southern Ohio, and as well as part of a 50 region domestic alliance of health care professionals and service organizations.
President Obama has urged Congress to act on health care legislation. His plea was for lawmakers to act now, or the opportunity will be lost: "If we don't get it done this year [2009], we're not going to get it done."
On June 6, a nationwide health care campaign will be held, and President Obama's organization, Organizing for America, has invited volunteers for a meeting to describe the effort. This was to be our organizing call for that event through a National Fairness and Growth Conference Call from 3 PM to 6 PM
1. Call to Order and Organizational Matters
2. The Campaign Blessings and Greetings
3. The Campaign History and Lifetime Mission
4. State of Black Health Care
5. The Campaign Health Care Objectives [within A-76 proposal]
6. Veterans Health Care is Number One [300 veterans by June 19 09]
7. Home Health Care Demonstration Discussion
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
President Obama honored America’s fallen service members at Arlington National Cemetery this morning and said that the men and women who choose to serve their country are the “best of America.”
The president laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington and said the cemetery, which is the final resting place for soldiers dating back to the Revolutionary War, serves as a reminder of the “meaning of valor.”
“With each death, we are heartbroken; with each death, we grow more determined,” he said.
Obama sent a wreath to the African-American Civil War Memorial in Washington, D.C. He is the first president to send a wreath to this memorial that honors the 200,000 African-American soldiers who fought for the Union Army.
As a vet I believe that we are here because they stood up and where willing like others to gave their last measure.
The President returned from Camp David last night so that this morning he could have breakfast with Gold Star Families in the State Dining Room, participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, and speak at the Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery:
Here lie Presidents and privates; Supreme Court justices and slaves; generals familiar to history, and unknown soldiers known only to God.
A few moments ago, I laid a wreath at their tomb to pay tribute to all who have given their lives for this country. As a nation, we have gathered here to repeat this ritual in moments of peace, when we pay our respects to the fallen and give thanks for their sacrifice. And we've gathered here in moments of war, when the somber notes of Taps echo through the trees, and fresh grief lingers in the air.
Today is one of those moments, where we pay tribute to those who forged our history, but hold closely the memory of those so recently lost. And even as we gather here this morning, all across America, people are pausing to remember, to mourn, and to pray.
Old soldiers are pulling themselves a little straighter to salute brothers lost a long time ago. Children are running their fingers over colorful ribbons that they know signify something of great consequence, even if they don't know exactly why. Mothers are re-reading final letters home and clutching photos of smiling sons or daughters, as youthful and vibrant as they always will be.
They, and we, are the legacies of an unbroken chain of proud men and women who served their country with honor; who waged war so that we might know peace; who braved hardship so that we might know opportunity; who paid the ultimate price so we might know freedom.
Those who rest in these fields fought in every American war. They overthrew an empire and gave birth to revolution. They strained to hold a young union together. They rolled back the creeping tide of tyranny, and stood post through a long twilight struggle. And they took on the terror and extremism that threatens our world's stability.
Their stories are the American story. More than seven generations of them are chronicled here at Arlington. They're etched into stone, recounted by family and friends, and silently observed by the mighty oaks that have stood over burial after burial.
Africa Day 2009

This year we will create a financial instruments to invest in the following African ventures:
- Provide Architectural Design and Environmental along with Professional Engineering, Construction Management and General Contracting Services
- Planned Unit Development centered around a building on such sites a full service Teaching Hospital and Orphanage supporting a K-12 School that specializes in AIDS orphans.
- Water Works Construction
- Waste Water Plant Development
- Clean Burn Waste Disposal Solutions
- Electrical Power Generation Plant Development
- Electrical Distribution Networks
- Next Generation Broadband Communications Solutions
- Creating a in country next generation Internet service and cloud computing solution
- Safety Support for the above work and other Humanitarian Aid
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
The National Fairness and Growth Conference Call
National Fairness and Growth Campaign Steering Committee
- General Chairman Joesph Debro Co-Founder, National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC) and Board Member of Housing Assistance Council
- Co-Chairwoman Pandora Ramsay, Founding President , Ohio Fairness Campaign
- Co-Chairman Fredrick Hargrove, Sr. PE, MBA. former Chairman of Cincinnati Change
- Co-Chairman Irvin Henderson, former Chairman, National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and on the board of the CRA Fund and the National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Convener Dr. Robert Day PhD, President, Center for Urban & Rural Redevelopment
Lawrence Auls, Chairman of MDi, Executive Director LISW, LTD
National Fairness and Growth Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 475-4850
Participant Access Code: 570587#
9:00 – 9:15 AM | Call to Order and Introductions |
9:15 – 9:55 AM | National Growth and Fairness Conference 50 Year Review |
9:55 - 10:15 AM | Impact and Solutions as to Prop 209 What is Best Practice Legislation look Like? |
10:15 – 10:30 AM | The Emergency Contractors Fund Who? Why? When? |
10:30 – 10:40 AM | Faith Based Initiative Briefing and Introduction From the Pulpit to the White House |
10:40 – 11:00 AM | Broadband America and LEED Buildings = One Million NAPS in smartHouseholds that creates a broadband means tested network for 200 Million People in the United States |
11:00 – 11:15 AM | Break |
11:15 – 11:30 AM | ARRA PRP, PRG, PPIP |
11:30 - 11:45 AM | Economic Security Initiatives |
11:45 AM – 12:05 PM | Organizational and Community Development Best Practices Review |
12:05 – 12:25 PM | Health Policy Options and Telemedicine with the ability to develop a Statewide Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) Laboratory Simulation |
12:25 – 12:45 PM | Best Practices Recommendations Review |
12:45 – 1:00 PM | Wrap-up |
The current host agency is the Emergency Contractors Fund and
we are on the web at http://www.
and you can email us at Email:
Among the issues to be reviewed -
- War On Poverty: Community Action Agencies, Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of 1966 (Model Cities), Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968
- Black Capitalism, Philadelphia Plan, Selected Contractors Strategy
- Executive Order 8802 Fair Employment Practices and follow-on actions
- Public Law 95-507 and modifications
- Ohio House Bill 584 Set Aside and its descendants such as EDGE
- The Small Business Investment Act and Minority capitalization programs such as Specialized SBIC’s [MSBIC’S]
- Construction Apprenticeship Programs
- Small Business Administration (SBA) and other business economic and technical assistance programs
- CETA, New Careers, Jobs Corps, Military Service, Peace Corps, Vista
- Renewal Communities, Empowerment Zones
- Minority, National and Regional Purchasing Councils
- Positive capacity building pass-throughs, joint ventures, and mentor protégés
- Non capacity building pass-throughs, fronts, and joint ventures
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
$100B SDR...lets be about it.

Friday, March 20, 2009
Col. [Ky.] Fred Hargrove Sr. PE MBA
My friend Col. [Ky.] Fred Hargrove Sr. PE MBA is a Cincinnati Change Trustee and serves on the Ad Hoc Steering Committee of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign and is the President of Hargrove Engineering & McGraw Daniels, LLC.

I am the previous Chairman of Board of Cincinnati Change and currently in charge of erasing the development divide in greater Cincinnati.
Some Background: Cincinnati Change understands the Tri-state is politically fragmented and segregated by race and class. Many poor Cincinnati residents have a high degree of desperation and hopelessness along with the belief that things cannot change. Cincinnati Change was created to “change this perception” by taking action to change Cincinnati NOW on June 19th, 2000 and took its first action at the 2000 Black Family Reunion.
In 2001, the founders of Cincinnati Change submitted a request to the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation (CEC) that they set out procedures to issue $100M (now $130M)of revenue bonds to buy a patent and develop businesses that would have employed over 8,000 people. The request was updated in 2002 and again in 2003 at meetings that were held with the Cincinnati Empowerment Zone.
In 2004, the CEC set the procedures to issue the bonds through the Cincinnati Hamilton County Port Authority. In 2005, Cincinnati Change assembled a team to meet its organizational objectives through creation of a mutual fund to fund its mission in order to Change Cincinnati NOW. On June 19th, 2005 Cincinnati Change received its charter from the State of Ohio and stands ready to change Cincinnati NOW.
Cincinnati Change is creating a limited liability company called Queen City Development Group who will become operational 1 March 2006. On Feb. 25th 2006 Cincinnati Change started to organize the community to develop approximately 15 acres " eight city blocks " of prominent waterfront property that has been pre-assembled, at one time, with the opportunity to tap into surrounding anchors that will, by 2009, generate approximately a million visitors annually to the area. Over 500,000 visits wil happen from kids in the region and foriegn exchange student visits.
Under the Cincinnati Change plan of action is where I would be chairman of a 200 member LLC with the executive board made up of the Cincinnati Change Treasurer, the Rev. Charles Britton, Dr. John Hurlimann, Col. [Ky] Wanda J Lloyd-Daniels of Churches Can Change Cincinnati NOW and a journeywoman in the IBEW, a repersentative from the United Methodist Churches Mens Conference of Cincinnati Ohio River Valley District, the 100 male March Ministries, and a representative from ELMC who will handle technology along with other appointees.
Cincinnati Change has hired three companies I have equity in Lloyd Daniels Development Group, LLC.(where I am President), Hargrove Engineering, LLC (which I own), and Education Learning Management Company LLC.(I am the managing director of this organization in formation), along with Wilson Military Academy and other partners (including a 501(c)3) to be part of the team that proposes that we create a local master developer for the riverfront who will team with global development partnership from Cincinnati.
Under my leadership I see Cincinnati Change forging alliances with the faith based community and others to encourage increased economic stability in Hamilton County. We will do that by helping to rebuild the midwest with the development of a third frontier creative class information highway infrastructure for next generation ICT built into real estate development, energy and transportation next generation grid build development.
I have worked with other founders to create a joint venture company which will provide jobs through the acquisition and development of businesses, intellectual property and real estate properties through this lead developer which is to be called
Hershel Daniels, Junior
- Visionary at National Fairness and Growth Campaign
- Chairman of the Board of the United Methodist Men of Keys of the Kingdom UMC at Keys of the Kingdom UMC
- Trustee at Cincinnati Change, Inc. [in charge of erasing the digital divide in southern Ohio's 3 million people]
Hershel Daniels, Junior Specialties
Oceanographic Exploration, Communications Research, Cryptographic Solutions Design, Campaign Design, Broadcast Solutions and Radio Host, CTO to National Diplomatic Reps, Foreign travel and residence, and I have been a past Branding and Creative Director
Hershel Daniels is upto creating a broadband America for 200M people through a million NAP solution through 50 markets, with public and private sector change agent partners.
From my profits from the above goal I will work with my Church, the UMC, along with Cincinnati Change to create coalitions in support of delivery regional dynamic broadband wireless & wireline solutions that Erase the Digital Divide around the world on a means tested basis under new leadership in Washington.
I will create the MDijCOMM Global Total Knowledge Management Systems as content management solution that specializes in multimedia content. We look to content telling the story of African Americans and their history which is the history of the United States of America with our technology.
It would be part of what my Blog is about the National Fairness and Growth Campaign Blog at http://nationalfairnesscampaig
Then we implement it in Washington DC and 49 other capitals around the world through the countries I have lived in and or visited and international connections online and in person through the DC Change blog at DC Change at
We start implementation on it in Ohio in the three C's Cincinnati [Health], Cleveland [eCommerce] and Columbus [eGovernment] and 49 other state capitals in the USA along with HUD EZ's and Agriculture EC's along with Federal Renewal Zones through the countries I have lived in starting in 2004 at http://cincinnatichange.blogsp
My requirements: Invest in a SOHO that includes a VSAT that supports a smartHOME rack that has a broadband wireless infrastructure built into its cloud computing solution and home management system to come from Commerce, Agriculture, NTIA, FCC, Fed, SBA, Treasury, CDFI's, CHDO's, CDO's, CDB's, PIC, CDC's and other authorized funding partners as a plan of action in greater Cincinnati led by Fred Hargrove, Sr. PE. MBA. who will build the infrastructure so that the world can receive through the internet content created in southern Ohio.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Broadband Initiative
The U.S. Congress has appropriated $4.7 billion to establish a Broadband Technology Opportunities Program for awards to eligible entities to develop and expand broadband services to rural and underserved areas and improve access to broadband by public safety agencies. Of these funds, $250 million will be available for innovative programs that encourage sustainable adoption of broadband services; at least $200 million will be available to upgrade technology and capacity at public computing centers, including community colleges and public libraries; $10 million will be a transfer to the Office of Inspector General for the purposes of BTOP audits and oversight. Up to $350 million of the BTOP funding is designated for the development and maintenance of statewide broadband inventory maps.