Friday, March 20, 2009

Col. [Ky.] Fred Hargrove Sr. PE MBA

My friend Col. [Ky.] Fred Hargrove Sr. PE MBA is a Cincinnati Change Trustee and serves on the Ad Hoc Steering Committee of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign and is the President of Hargrove Engineering & McGraw Daniels, LLC.

My name is Frederick Hargrove Sr. PE, MBA and I am a native Cincinnatian, born, raised and educated here. I grew up in many of the neighborhoods which have now been designated as empowerment zones.

I am the previous Chairman of Board of Cincinnati Change and currently in charge of erasing the development divide in greater Cincinnati.

Some Background: Cincinnati Change understands the Tri-state is politically fragmented and segregated by race and class. Many poor Cincinnati residents have a high degree of desperation and hopelessness along with the belief that things cannot change. Cincinnati Change was created to “change this perception” by taking action to change Cincinnati NOW on June 19th, 2000 and took its first action at the 2000 Black Family Reunion.

In 2001, the founders of Cincinnati Change submitted a request to the Cincinnati Empowerment Corporation (CEC) that they set out procedures to issue $100M (now $130M)of revenue bonds to buy a patent and develop businesses that would have employed over 8,000 people. The request was updated in 2002 and again in 2003 at meetings that were held with the Cincinnati Empowerment Zone.

In 2004, the CEC set the procedures to issue the bonds through the Cincinnati Hamilton County Port Authority. In 2005, Cincinnati Change assembled a team to meet its organizational objectives through creation of a mutual fund to fund its mission in order to Change Cincinnati NOW. On June 19th, 2005 Cincinnati Change received its charter from the State of Ohio and stands ready to change Cincinnati NOW.

Cincinnati Change is creating a limited liability company called Queen City Development Group who will become operational 1 March 2006. On Feb. 25th 2006 Cincinnati Change started to organize the community to develop approximately 15 acres " eight city blocks " of prominent waterfront property that has been pre-assembled, at one time, with the opportunity to tap into surrounding anchors that will, by 2009, generate approximately a million visitors annually to the area. Over 500,000 visits wil happen from kids in the region and foriegn exchange student visits.

Under the Cincinnati Change plan of action is where I would be chairman of a 200 member LLC with the executive board made up of the Cincinnati Change Treasurer, the Rev. Charles Britton, Dr. John Hurlimann, Col. [Ky] Wanda J Lloyd-Daniels of Churches Can Change Cincinnati NOW and a journeywoman in the IBEW, a repersentative from the United Methodist Churches Mens Conference of Cincinnati Ohio River Valley District, the 100 male March Ministries, and a representative from ELMC who will handle technology along with other appointees.

Cincinnati Change has hired three companies I have equity in Lloyd Daniels Development Group, LLC.(where I am President), Hargrove Engineering, LLC (which I own), and Education Learning Management Company LLC.(I am the managing director of this organization in formation), along with Wilson Military Academy and other partners (including a 501(c)3) to be part of the team that proposes that we create a local master developer for the riverfront who will team with global development partnership from Cincinnati.

Under my leadership I see Cincinnati Change forging alliances with the faith based community and others to encourage increased economic stability in Hamilton County. We will do that by helping to rebuild the midwest with the development of a third frontier creative class information highway infrastructure for next generation ICT built into real estate development, energy and transportation next generation grid build development.

I have worked with other founders to create a joint venture company which will provide jobs through the acquisition and development of businesses, intellectual property and real estate properties through this lead developer which is to be called

Hershel Daniels, Junior

  • Visionary at National Fairness and Growth Campaign
  • Chairman of the Board of the United Methodist Men of Keys of the Kingdom UMC at Keys of the Kingdom UMC
  • Trustee at Cincinnati Change, Inc. [in charge of erasing the digital divide in southern Ohio's 3 million people]

Hershel Daniels, Junior Specialties

Oceanographic Exploration, Communications Research, Cryptographic Solutions Design, Campaign Design, Broadcast Solutions and Radio Host, CTO to National Diplomatic Reps, Foreign travel and residence, and I have been a past Branding and Creative Director

Hershel Daniels is upto creating a broadband America for 200M people through a million NAP solution through 50 markets, with public and private sector change agent partners.

My professional plan is work the next seven years to create a global 4th Generation Fiber to the Edge Net that will have broadband wireless operations, licensed and unlicensed from a Ohio HQ and backhaul via fiber as well as wireless and satcom.

From my profits from the above goal I will work with my Church, the UMC, along with Cincinnati Change to create coalitions in support of delivery regional dynamic broadband wireless & wireline solutions that Erase the Digital Divide around the world on a means tested basis under new leadership in Washington.

I will create the MDijCOMM Global Total Knowledge Management Systems as content management solution that specializes in multimedia content. We look to content telling the story of African Americans and their history which is the history of the United States of America with our technology.

We are looking to mobilize the members of WAIF into an alliance by Jone 19th that would number 1,000 that support a WAIF Programmer Lead RSS feed sources unified to Erase the Digital Divide as part of a National Fairness and Growth Campaign and Free WAIF Cause on FACEBOOK.

It would be part of what my Blog is about the National Fairness and Growth Campaign Blog at in creating a means tested broadband America that moves back to number 1 by 2020 in next generation network availability.

Then we implement it in Washington DC and 49 other capitals around the world through the countries I have lived in and or visited and international connections online and in person through the DC Change blog at DC Change at

We start implementation on it in Ohio in the three C's Cincinnati [Health], Cleveland [eCommerce] and Columbus [eGovernment] and 49 other state capitals in the USA along with HUD EZ's and Agriculture EC's along with Federal Renewal Zones through the countries I have lived in starting in 2004 at & picking up off ouff that at

I believe that using technology and through membership in a change organization and or the National Fairness and Growth Campaign that we can Converge to Erase the Digital Divide.

My requirements: Invest in a SOHO that includes a VSAT that supports a smartHOME rack that has a broadband wireless infrastructure built into its cloud computing solution and home management system to come from Commerce, Agriculture, NTIA, FCC, Fed, SBA, Treasury, CDFI's, CHDO's, CDO's, CDB's, PIC, CDC's and other authorized funding partners as a plan of action in greater Cincinnati led by Fred Hargrove, Sr. PE. MBA. who will build the infrastructure so that the world can receive through the internet content created in southern Ohio.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Broadband Initiative

I am listening to Public Meeting to Help Shape American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Broadband - Teleconference Dial-In Number: 888-566-0969, passcode: 1234

The U.S. Congress has appropriated $4.7 billion to establish a Broadband Technology Opportunities Program for awards to eligible entities to develop and expand broadband services to rural and underserved areas and improve access to broadband by public safety agencies. Of these funds, $250 million will be available for innovative programs that encourage sustainable adoption of broadband services; at least $200 million will be available to upgrade technology and capacity at public computing centers, including community colleges and public libraries; $10 million will be a transfer to the Office of Inspector General for the purposes of BTOP audits and oversight. Up to $350 million of the BTOP funding is designated for the development and maintenance of statewide broadband inventory maps.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A way to get to fairness and capacity to solve the housing crisis.

[Myself and NCRC Board Member Morris Williams at NCRC's 2008 Annual Meeting in Washington paying for another years worth of NCRC membership]

There are many different ways to get to fairness and capacity to solve the housing crisis, as one of the first to be done, and I believe that is the key.

I am part of a team that has developed both a fair system of rescue and one that treats investors willing to mark to market with a degree of protection through a public private partnership powered by the authority contained in a OMB 76 [PDF version 63 pages] authorization with a r using SBA Standard Operating Procedure in awarding a multibillion dollar contract to a team [see previous entry] lead by a contractor team led by a current SBA 8 (a) Business Development Program Contractor through which we are developing the capacity to keep our communities running.

We will create a million American households and families in these communities who go to work part time every day, attend college, pay their mortgages and support our businesses, large and small.

If we preserve these homes and their households, we are preserving the economic engines that drive home investment in a million homes while investors and services will have income streams that will feed their net operating income.

I agree that we must stop the foreclosures because it is the right and correct thing to do.

October 1st, 2008 at 10:19 pm


[current member of the Ad Hoc Steering board of the National Fairness and Growth Campaign and board member of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and the National Trust for Historic Preservation along with serving as McGraw Daniels, Inc. {MDi} Treasurer and CFO and is President of Irvin M Henderson and Company]

It stands to reason that the best way to shore up all of our markets, credit and equity, is to ensure that the underlying assets are performing in the mortgage-backed securities that are the heart of this discussion. The purchase of the mortgages may still need to occur so that someone has the control to modify these mortgages. So we need broad, but targeted authority for a review board to modify mortgages whereby we see the potential for the family or individual to remain in the house and whereby there is an income stream that will at minimum support something near the original payment. In some cases this will mean that the interest rate must be lowered and in other cases, it might be that the term is extended. However, there will be very few cases where the principal actually has to be written down. The result will be securities that can be marked to market because we now know their true value. We know the following going forward:

• Principal that is supportable by the probable income stream of the borrower
• Interest rate that is supportable
• Term that is supportable
• Amount of subsidy required to stabilize the mortgage

Seemingly, this would eliminate the problem of the value of these mortgage-backed securities being drummed down to nothing when there are actual performing incomes behind them that have been verified and are projected to be consistent. The modification process will ensure this income and affordability. Banks, mortgage holders, investors and servicers will take the appropriate haircut, markets will stabilize, valuations will stabilize and financial statements can be trusted again. The credit market should liquefy within days of these actions.

We have a good example of how this type of mortgage modification could work. The Rural Development 502 program has mortgages over the years in which the interest rate is subsidized to increase affordability for rural homeownership. The subsidy is recouped at sale or at refinance. The wealth creation is not as preferable as non-subsidized mortgages, but this is a trade-off for affordability. In most cases today, the interest rate would not need large amounts of subsidy, but would need to be modified at the teaser rate or a rate that ensures affordability (no more than 32% of monthly income). An example would be an original payment of $1239 that morphs into $1791 at reset after a two year fixed rate mortgage becomes a 28 year variable rate mortgage. The original interest rate was 5%, and the amortization was 30 years. The reset rate is 9.5% and the term is 28 years. If this family can afford the $1239 for which they were originally underwritten (including taxes and insurance on a $175,000 mortgage), then their mortgage will be modified so that they stay at 5%. At this point the model can include shared equity appreciation to recoup the subsidy to the mortgage or preferably, the lender takes a haircut on principle, rate or term depending upon the situation of the borrower and modifies the loan to 5% fixed 30 year term.

There are two ways to do this. The first is a purchase of the mortgages by the review board which will also be the governing board of the MBS Finance Authority. This entity could be an ad hoc agency created by industry, Congress, Treasury and consumer groups. The Board could be gaveled together quickly-one week, and in its stead, the Treasury Secretary could begin to act, knowing that every transaction will be scrutinized and vetted by the Review Board. Because this authority owns the loans and/or the mortgage-backed securities, it will have the power to modify the loans that collateralize the securities and maintain solvency to the pools of mortgages. Return will be reduced, but default and loss will be minimized to only those individual mortgages with out a real income stream that can persist. Estimates are that this part of the market may be as high as 15% of the mortgages in question, but even at that draconian number; the broader markets are exceptionally salvageable. All, with homeowners coming first.

The second way is simply for all of the current mortgage holders, whomever they may be to agree to a rewrite of the master servicing agreements to allow the same type of modification. This would mean that the assets would not have to exchange hands, but would still force mark-to-market, real time liquidity and accurate financial statements as we try to rebuild the infrastructure of our financial services industry and keep homeowners in their homes paying their new mortgages, buying goods and services and maybe for the first time in a while saving a minimum of 5% of income. This recipe will not only stabilize markets, but in a few months begin to incent real savings and a reasonable cost of funds to support consumer lending in the country.

This would leave alone mortgage contracts that do not have to be modified and would give only a temporary authority to abridge these contracts. Investors would be assured that when the contagion had been isolated, treated and returned to society, there would be no chance of it spreading weakness to other assets. They also would not have to fear that future mortgage contracts would be similarly modified, if we set up adequate regulations and underwriting guidelines similar to what qualified housing counselors are utilizing and have been utilizing in most CRA loan situations since the early nineties.

How we determine what is eligible for purchase will determine the fairness and the viability of the restructuring. Fraud, investor abuse and borrower deceit will not qualify for either method chosen. These situations should take their losses and be reckoned with legally. However, in these situations where it is ascertained that the borrower / homeowner was not to blame, but was a victim of transaction-oriented fee-paid professionals, the loan should be modified and the perpetrators prosecuted.

There are many different ways to get to fairness and capacity. That is the key. We need both a fair system of rescue and the capacity to keep our economy running without the elimination of the democratizing of credit or the end of the American Dream. Preservation of the system behooves preservation of the underlying economic engines that are the American households and families who go to work every day, pay their mortgages and support our businesses, large and small. If we preserve these homes and their residents, we are preserving the economic engines. The banks, investors and servicers will have income streams that will feed their net operating income. They will have capacity to lend more as they recapitalize on healthier performing and valued portfolios. This scenario could lead to preservation of 75-85% of home value and 90% of lending capacity and tier one capital for banks over the next two-three years. We must stop the foreclosures because it is the right and correct thing to do.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A new Campaign start.

Okay lets start to revitalize the city, my hometown - Cleveland. It will mean that a majority will have to like our plans, and vote with us. Then onto DC and Marshall Heights - I will love to be back in DC in the summer.


My requirements: Invest in a SOHO at least $100,000 per households as a grub stake in the New NEO Midwest Alliance for Change. To come from Commerce, Fed, SBA, Treasury, CDFI’s, CHDO’s, CDO’s, PIC,CDC’s and other authorized funding partners as a plan of action on 80,000 homes in NEO.

Start in East Cleveland and build on patent in GPS and Communications as a R & D, new campus development lead by a team with a world renowned architect on it.

Schedule: Change is possible NOW for the state of Ohio in Concert with a industrial alliance that supports American manufacturing being retained from Illinois to Maryland, with a international headquarters in Washington DC.

Actions: Create a workforce development and support program for the new found poor and the working class up to $100,000 per household. These households can receive over $200,000 in career training funding. they can receive over a million dollars in small business loans based on their success in our SBE program.

Formalize the NE Ohio Alliance for Change Coalition as such in fact and raise a million dollars. This money is to be used to develop a prospectus and operations in Cleveland , both west and east side along with Brooklyn, Slavic Village, the Cleveland Empowerment Zone and Downtown, Shaker Heights, East Cleveland, Cleveland Heights and as regional stimulate in 22 counties of a secure IP5 dynamic broadband fiber and wireless solution.

We raise $300,000 by June 19th 2009 and $100,000 in March by selling 100 memberships in the NEO Alliance for Change Committee for Change in Brooklyn and or the Cleveland Empowerment Zone Task Force as part of the Cleveland Change Committee.

This money would bring organizations like NCRC and professionals to the table to create the stage for a request of government at levels to make change based on the MDi plans and that of partners in Change in 22 Counties in NE Ohio centered around Cuyahoga County and around the state of Ohio, as a national demonstration.

It will be built on a OneCommunity and Broadband Ohio infrastructure that takes advantage of public and private sector funding at all levels through engagement of Ivin M Henderson through MDi and with Cooperation of Gloria [Met the Blogger/Midtown Brews] and Ed[I-Open is a strategic partner, NOW]. We hire Gloria full time and my daughter, Kimberly Daniels, becomes our first office manager, she’s a rugby player and 360 gamer.

Among the people we currently have are:

  1. African American Business leadership team
  2. MBE Development Experts
  3. FBE Support Team
  4. Community Developers
  5. Community Reinvestment Act Consultants
  6. Transcontinental Real Estate Developers
  7. Real Estate Developers
  8. Faith Based leadership
  9. Lawyers
  10. Bankers
  11. Experienced HOPE VI Executive Manager
  12. HUD Certified Counseling Team
  13. Federal Property Management Team
  14. World Class Architectural Firms
  15. Engineering Firms that can engineer a Bio Safety Lab at level 4
  16. Construction Management titans.
  17. Global general Contractors
  18. Union Trades members
  19. Experienced African American Design Builders
  20. Expert MEP team
  21. Trained and Experienced LEED Experts
  22. MBA’s
  23. Public Accountants
  24. Dr’s Education
  25. EE Doctorate
  26. Sociologists
  27. Licensed Independent Social Worker[s]
  28. Published Authors
  29. Creative Class Visionaries
  30. Open Source Programmers

We will also develop this program in 50 regions including these cities - Columbus, New Orleans, Miami, Akron, Detroit, LA, Oakland, Huston, Boston, Philly, Baltimore, Dayton, Jacksonville, East Cleveland, Shaker Heights, Cleveland Heights, Warren, Youngstown, Toledo, Lincoln Heights, St. Louis, Port Arthur, Atlanta, and possibly Cincinnati.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Music is in our soul.

The creative class shall lead, lets all come together and make the change. FAME + ICT = IP Broadcasting

My family.

It's a new day in my life cause my daughter is in it.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Black History is American History

I did not post about Black history month cause I believe that every day of the Obama Presidency is black history in America in the making, lets have 8 years of it.