Monday, May 25, 2009

Africa Day 2009

This May 25th is Africa Day, the official day of the African Union. It is an opportunity to celebrate African diversity and success, and join Africans around the world in highlighting the cultural, social and entrepreneurial energy of the continent and that of those of the African diaspora.

This year we will create a financial instruments to invest in the following African ventures:

  1. Provide Architectural Design and Environmental along with Professional Engineering, Construction Management and General Contracting Services
  2. Planned Unit Development centered around a building on such sites a full service Teaching Hospital and Orphanage supporting a K-12 School that specializes in AIDS orphans.
  3. Water Works Construction
  4. Waste Water Plant Development
  5. Clean Burn Waste Disposal Solutions
  6. Electrical Power Generation Plant Development
  7. Electrical Distribution Networks
  8. Next Generation Broadband Communications Solutions
  9. Creating a in country next generation Internet service and cloud computing solution
  10. Safety Support for the above work and other Humanitarian Aid

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